10 April 2013

To be superficial is the most joyous thing ever.

I know, I know. You’re perturbed. Wasn’t this blog, coming from a young girl, supposed to have a more optimistic, cheery tone? Wasn’t this supposed to be a journey of self-discovery, a happy-ending wherein I embrace my true self?
 Well, let’s get real shall we? Our main purpose in today’s world is self-satisfaction and happiness.  Oh, wouldn't it be just lovely, to be so emotionally numb and distant that you don’t fog your little brain with problems concerning people other than your own self. When you are so hollow inside, nothing in the outer world disturbs you at all. What are the reasons of our unhappiness most of the times? The audience, the whole audience in the world outside that is constantly judging you, measuring you up, stereotyping you and taunting you. Superficiality provides us with an effective shutter to shun out things that might adversely affect you.  But don’t be fooled, being superficial is not an easy task. It involves elevating yourself on a pedestal so high, that you cannot even see the people around you; you are the king of your own flowery mini-world. 
The first thing that popped up in my head at the mention of ‘superficial’

So here am I with my new motto, being wonderfully shallow and not perpetually pondering about the meaning of life. Not brooding over current world issues; not caring about other people. And being a happier person; taking life less seriously. If only it was possible.  Whatever mask we may adorn, the veneer scrapes out, sooner or later. We all are, at one point or the other seduced into acting a certain way- for wealth, love and power. But some people have the capability of sustaining this facade. Or are they born this way (without any references to the above picture)?  Here’s a toast to all those superficial beings! It’s not an easy task at all. As difficult it is being you in this age’s pressurizing society, it’s equally tough not being you.

PS- The author of this little article sincerely hopes that the sarcasm has reached out to her sweet imaginary readers. 


  1. Beautiful article, apt for the present times.
    and cheers to all hypocrites!

  2. being superficial :)
    nice one !!!

  3. This was a really pleasant read Anurati ... Nice one ...

  4. Excellent Read!! I understand your thoughts! Yes, these protons and neutron kind of people will always be judging you! Believe me they are not worth a thought!! Just keep on being you!!!!

    1. Exactly! These are exactly the kind of people I want to evade. I will start acting superficially already. La-La-La not listening to anybody :D

  5. Conscious ignorance should not lead to inaction.

    1. Since u agreed upon that, if you just extend the logic - superficiality as preached by u, and sustained by conscious ignorance, will lead to inaction towards reality. Therefore is ignorance(or superficiality) a bliss?

    2. Firstly, I am by no means preaching superficiality through this article. I do, however, stand in awe of people who can shun the world around them and are so self-absorbed, they do attain their self-goals more effectively, something that seems to be the aim of today. I feel I get wounded too frequently by being pulled into emotional turmoil. The ones leading the rat race are mostly shallow individuals. Being ignorant is not the solution but it seems to be the trend to live life in today's world. Being emotionally distant will shield you from the big bad world out there, because, well, YOU would be the big bad world. So, in today's world, it seems to be blissful, to an outsider like me at least. Ideally, we should all care about each other's feelings and make every action for the goodness of humanity (excuse the cliches) but sadly this is not how things work today.

    3. Guess there is also a good world out there...seek out for it (when u wish to) :)
      And yeah.. keep writing articles which make others 'think'!!

    4. Will keep my mind and eyes open for such a world :) And thanks, will try my best :)

  6. "Thick skins" are for the doers, "apathy" for the lazy and "ignorance" for the Barbie World. I hope you were preaching(!) only the first.

    1. Exactly what I was saying. Ignorance remains and will always be the domain of the superficial.
